Non-fiction as a category often appears as a window into realities of our world. VoW Book Awards shortlist offers glimpse into contrasting styles of English, Hindi contemporary non-fiction

New Delhi: To mark the P.N. Panicker Book Reading Month (9 June to 19 July), the renowned Valley of Words (VoW) festival has unveiled its shortlist in the English and Hindi non-fiction categories.
Non-fiction as a category often appears as a window into the realities of our world. And the Valley of Words Book Awards shortlist offers a glimpse into the contrasting styles of English and Hindi contemporary non-fiction.
English entries often lean towards a more academic approach. Hindi titles, on the other hand, explore broader themes with a touch of literary flair.
VoW’s shortlisted books for the English and Hindi non-fiction categories feature a contemporary selection of books. From a son’s biography revealing 1960s Calcutta to a groundbreaking study on India’s caste system, the list offers readers a chance to delve deeper into these worlds.
A highlight is Caste Pride Battles for Equality in Hindu India, praised for its meticulous research and social relevance. Critical Mass, tackles the complex world of nuclear policy in an accessible way, while Reimagining Tibet explores cultural representation through literature.
The 2024 VoW shortlist in English non-fiction category includes:
Sri Aurobindo: The Life and Teachings of a Revolutionary Philosopher by Roshen Dalal, published by Pan MacMillan
Caste Pride: Battles for Equality in Hindu India by Manoj Mitta, published by Westland Books
Bondhu: My Father, My Friend by Kunal Sen, published by Seagull Books
Reimagining Tibet: Politics of Literary Representation by Koushik Goswami, published by Routledge India
Critical Mass: Decoding India’s Nuclear Policy by R. Rajaraman, published by Bloomsbury
The 2024 VoW shortlist in Hindi non-fiction category includes:
Vikal Vidrohini Pandita Ramabai by Sujata, published by Rajkamal
Rahul Sankrityayan: Anatm Bechaini ka Yayavar by Ashok Kumar Pandey, published by Rajkamal
Gay-geka ki Auratein: Adivasi Nyishi Samudaay Ke Grameen Jeevan Ke Kathaathkam Samskaran by Joram Yalam Nabam, published by Radhakrishan
Shabdon ke Sath Sath by Dr Suresh Pant, published by Hind Pocket Books
Mere Priya Aatman! by Sushobhit, published by Hind Yugm
ThePrint is the digital media partner for the Valley of Words Book Awards 2024.